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  • Writer's pictureMimi Laurence

Why Betty Neels inspires my writing

Updated: May 28, 2018

Tiffle and Croissant at a real bakery
Triffle and Croissant

This is Mimi Laurence here, formerly MeiMei Long. While looking to obtain my own domain name under MeiMei Long, I found out that it was already taken. Out of curiosity, I checked it out and OH NO! It was the site of an actress specializing in... to quote Professor Eduard van Draak te Solendik, the surgeon in Grasp a Nettle, "men only." Either the actress or the writer had to change her name, and I took the high road. Hence, Mimi Laurence.

(She was not really 'Betty Neels' in real life... so I am not afraid of that.)

In a previous interview, I had mentioned the appeal of Betty Neels books. It is a world where students are diligent, not mouthy and men and women work hard and focus on improving themselves, not watching someone else's lives on reality TV. It would be a better world if people took action on the advice they wanted from qualified professionals - or their friends.

Ladies and Gentlemen acting like Ladies and Gentlemen

Why do they dress like adults? Because regardless of whether it is the end of a long day or a day off - they care to look like they are going places.

Adult women in ripped jeans dropping f-bombs while shopping. Adult men in baseball caps playing video games. Everyone ordering Diet Coke at a restaurant. Not in Betty Neels books. Why do her characters dress like adults? Because regardless of whether it is the end of a long day or a day off - they care to look like they are going places.

Work hard to reach a better tomorrow

Betty Neels heroines work hard. They rarely just stay at home and look pretty.

(I admit there are a minority who did do that for a few years and then the good fairy tapped her karmic wand, making the ephemeral wealth disappear at the inept hands of the financially feckless father. After that, it was heigh ho, heigh ho, it's off to work we go for Mary Paget of Marrying Mary and Leonora Crosby, The Daughter of the Manor, Eustacia Crump, A Suitable Match, and Celine Baylis, Midsummer Star (#olivia ,#araminta, #RDD, #RBD)

The men work hard too. Even when they had inherited wealth.

Even if their paths had not collided in a Betty Neels, these ladies and gentlemen would have made it through. After all, that is what works in real life: a good job/entrepreneurial ethic, positive outlook, and towards others not being rude or crude. No wish to inflict pain onto themselves either, you make wise lifestyle choices. Do invoke the #no-asshole-rule in your readings and TV viewing. When I saw that TV became more risky, sexy and bloody, it was time to cut the cable. Life is more rich ever since.

Take care of Yourself first, then assist others

Your life, your choices, your results...

Take care of yourself first, then you will be in a strong position to help others who want and need assistance. Don't waste time helping those who refuse to help themselves. In church activities, sports and theatre and team work, it is like a musical ensemble, we work together. But if you find someone who does not pull his or her weight, give them two chances (at the most) to improve. And then go from there, you move on and it is their choice if they move on or stay stuck in their identities as jerk-magnets, enablers and other debilitating guises. Their life, their choices, their results. If you focus on their willful blindness, their obstinacy, it will sap your energy and resources and pull you under too. Your life, your choices, your results.

Good teachers know that all their students have potential (it's true as well as politically correct) but manifesting their potential may not happen in the academic year. Let go and let God.

Get Inspired

What about you? How often do you recognize people who could inhabit a Betty Neels in your day-to-day, whether it's on the street, restaurant, golf course, library? If enough days pass where your answer is 'zero', time for a change.

Would love to hear from you as well any feedback you may have for me! Enjoy your today!

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